2019 Medical and Wellness Guide :: Reader Survey

We need your help!

We are often asked for our recommendations on the best doctors or wellness providers in the Houston area and we want to compile a list of those favorites. We have the best readers {like you}, so we want to know :: Who do you like? Who do you use? Who does your family trust? We want to create a list that families can use for the year to find the BEST healthcare possible. Help us help mommas like you looking for the best.

In the form below, please fill out the paragraph with as much information as possible {IE. Doctor’s Name/Practice Name, Address, Phone Number} and as many as you would like! Your recommendation doesn’t have to be in your area.  If they are located in a different area, please note which area of town they are located.

Plug your email in at the bottom to be entered and eligible to win your choice of a Target or Amazon gift card, valued at $100, $50, or $25!


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Meagan Clanahan
Meagan is a Dallas native who has lived in the Katy area for over a decade. She kicked a soccer ball all the way to Louisiana to attend college at her family’s alma mater of LSU, where she promptly fell in love with a Texas Aggie in Baton Rouge for an internship. After swimming back to Texas following Hurricane Katrina, Matt and Meagan fell in love with the Houston area and now couldn’t imagine living anywhere else. Following several years of infertility, their miracle twins Ryan and Quinn were born in June of 2010. She believes there is nothing better than a chilled glass of Pinot Grigio, a large Sonic Diet Coke, sushi take-out, Girls Nights Out, and a mindless book to curl up with. Besides playing chauffeur and catering to the whims of her children, Meagan also is the Co-Owner of Houston Moms Blog. You can keep up with Meagan at The Clanahan Fam and on Instagram @meaganclanahan!


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