Alissa M

Alissa M
Alissa is a wife to her best friend {since 2003} and a grateful mother to four boys {2009, 2009, 2010, 2012) and one girl {2015}. And if you're going to be friends, you should know she has a deep and abiding love of chocolate. She's survived infertility, IVF, two NICUs, cloth diapers, a food allergy, and so much more! In 2017, she officially began writing and publishing children's books and LOVES it! When she's not writing or picking her kids up from school, she'd like to be reading/singing/laughing/napping/traveling/crafting/learning something new. But in reality, she's probably grocery shopping/cleaning something/telling her boys to stop fighting. She lives in Katy, blogs at, and occasionally visits Instagram {@alimcjoy}, and Facebook {@alimcjoy}. She is a big believer in living life--especially mothering--with intentionality. If she's learned anything it's that accidental success is a myth: decisions determine destiny. She will also be the first to tell you she is not even close to perfect, but she's giving life her best shot one jam-packed day at a time.

Talking to Kids About Race :: Why It’s So Important {Part 2}

{If you missed Part 1 of this great series "Talking to Kids About Race:: Why It's So Important", catch up here!} Fresh out of college, I went to a job interview in a city with...

Talking to Kids About Race :: Why It’s So Important {Part 1}

For those of us who live here, we already know that Houston is a fantastic city for many reasons. Many outsiders are finally recognizing some of our city’s greatness as they see Houston as...
Let's Talk About Fighting: One Mom's Attempts to Prevent Sibling Squabbles | Houston Moms Blog

Let’s Talk About Fighting :: One Mom’s Attempts to Prevent Sibling Squabbles

Oh, the fighting! I was raised the oldest of 4 kids. I saw how we fought ALL THE TIME—especially my two brothers. I’m forever indebted to my poor mom for all she had to...

Modern Conveniences Helping Moms Do it All

Lately I've been thinking about the "olden days" when women spent all day preparing meals, washing dishes by hand, washing their family's laundry by hand and hanging it out to dry, and sewing their...