Becky K

Becky K
Becky grew up in Houston, leaving only for college and an internship, but the humidity called her back! And it's a good thing - because shortly after moving home, she met her husband Chris, St. Louis Cardinals fanatic and {wife proclaimed} genius. She stays home with their two (soon-to-be three) girls: Karis, a girly girl and tenacious toddler, and Moriah, smiliest baby alive & Texas Women’s Hospital 10,000th baby in 2012. When she's not in the middle of a tea party, play dates, or potty training, she writes devotions with Sacred Holidays, teaches at prisons and women's ministry events and is a certified MBTI Life Coach {with Orbiting Normal}. She loves hot Houston summers, coffee creamer, dance parties with her family, nail polish, iced tea, reading {although it’s a lot of picture books these days}, and their church family {Bayou City Fellowship}! She would love to connect with you on her personal blog {} or through Twitter {@beckykiser}, Pinterest {@beckyjkiser}, and Facebook.

Dr. Ramsey :: FLOSS Dental {30 Days of Giveaways}

Are you ready... for the biggest giveaway of the 30 Days of Giveaways series? This package is retailed at $2050 and is perfect for the upcoming holiday season! {By the way, how is tomorrow October already?!} We...

How to Deal with Mommy Comparison

We love other mamas. They make us laugh till we leak {thank you child birth}. They drop off Starbucks when we are on our 3rd round of the stomach bug. They are our sanity,...
ABC's of Houston Moms collaborator Becky

ABC’s of Me :: Becky

All About Me :: I have dreams of writing and changing the world. But for today, I'm changing diapers... and I wouldn't have it any other way. I live in that vortex, like many stay at...