Before I move any further, I need to acknowledge that I am aware that everyone's story doesn't have a rainbow, a happy package, an evolution of soul. And there are a lot of us, 20%. I will forever hold your...
A year ago, Pandora was in occupational therapy, and one of the skills she needed to work on was crossing the mid line. To help her with this and other motor planning skills, we signed her up for softball,...
What an awesome summer! When our Executive Team began planning our summer playdates, we never expected the amazing turnout that we would have. We hope you had an amazing time "hopping" with us to some of our favorite venues...
The Sour Side of 3 "Hey M, ok no more My Little Ponies. Let’s go tee tee, take our medicine, and get ready for bed." “I don’t like you, Mommy. I want a NEW mommy who is nice to me,” with...
Misty's Story Oh, my story.  Like all of our lives, my story is filled with ups and downs.  But none more than my journey to becoming a mother.  And guess what?  I. Wouldn't. Change. A. Thing. It all started with marrying...
May is the Water Safety Awareness Month, so this is the time to make sure your kids are prepped and ready for swimming.
Did you know June is National Safety Month? Me neither! It gets MUCH less hype than National Rosé Day, National Donut Day and obviously, National Pop Goes the Weasel Day {a real thing, I checked}.  And arguably our safety...
When my children were tiny babies, I began to think about what kind of educational experiences I wanted them to have. Sure, I want them to learn to read, write and do a reasonable amount of math {at least...
Exercise.  Let's face it, we use the "mom" excuses all the time. "I have kids." "I'm too busy." "I'm too tired." "I don't have the money for a gym membership." "I'll be able to exercise when my kids are older." "My kids need me." "I have...
Let's start by me telling you that if you are here because you are - somewhere in the deepest, far away corner of your mind - considering homeschooling, I DIG YOU! It takes a little streak of rebellion and...



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