Read about DIY projects from Houston Moms Blog!

Ugggh.....  Is it just me, or has this heat been BRUTAL lately?  Every time my kiddos utter the "o-word" {you know - OUTSIDE!}, I cringe with desperation.  During the daylight hours, I seriously sweat just looking out the window.  And...
My kids and I love crafting! To me, crafting is about creating: not a final product! No such thing as a "Pinterest Fail" around here. The beauty is the process and sometimes, admittedly, the process is more beautiful than others. If...
The kids are back in school, the routines are settling in, and while there’s definitely not a chill in the air, I find myself longing for a change of season in my home to reflect the change of season...
Of all the things in life to get excited about, here’s one I never imagined I’d end up hype-woman for:: soil. Yet here I am, about to tell you all the wonderful ways you, yes YOU, can cultivate your...
Spring has sprung, and that means eggs and bunnies are everywhere! We've got some great Easter crafts that both adults and kids alike will love to create! The Egg and I Did you know that coloring eggs at Easter first began...
Ok, y'all, spring is RIGHT around the corner! Who is as excited as I am? Spring is by far my favorite season; I love the weather warming up and nature starting to emerge from its hibernation. My girls love...
Last year, I was that mom standing in the Valentine's Day card section of Target, the day before the class party, with only the gross candy options left. It was a total rookie mistake. It was my oldest child's...
Here in Houston we don’t experience winter quite the same as our friends in the north {or at all the same- could we get a fun snow day more than once every ten years?}. But listen, I’m not complaining....
Ah January. The month of new beginnings, resolutions, and tackling getting your life in order after all of the hustle bustle of the holiday season. I am a January fan. I create goals for the year. I rearrange the...
This Halloween, I am combining my love of plants, beautiful things, and the spooky season by creating a live succulent pumpkin. I saw them at the garden nursery last year, and I instantly fell in love. If you are...



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