I'm on my third sweet nugget over here which makes me feel pretty well versed in all things baby. I've got all the newborn sleep tricks up my sleeve, the ability to read hunger cues from miles away, and can...
Have y’all seen Troop Zero yet? It’s a sweet and inspiring story about a little girl that loves all things outer space at a time when most people expected only boys to be interested in such things. There’s one...
The decision to allow your teen to have a cell phone is not an easy one. When you have a teen who sometimes can't even find her very own pants, it might be a little unnerving to entrust a...
Yes, our hands are full juggling kids, schedules, laundry, cooking, homework --- you name it.  And if I am being totally honest, car maintenance is so low on my priority list that I often let it go by the...
Hi Houston Moms. It's me again, your friendly Earth advocate blogger. Back in April, I shared with you some Simple Steps to Being Environmentally Friendly. Now I am back to tell you all about a super cool new app,...
I've been hearing about "electronics" from my 11-year old since she was in the second grade. It was about that time that her peers began accumulating electronic tablets, Kindles, and gaming devices. More recently, she's been pleading for a...
When most kids think about what their dream home would be like, they think of a pool, a game room, and not having to clean their rooms.  Not me. I dreamed of having a TV in the kitchen. I didn't want...
Whatever you are interested in, need more information on or support with, there’s a Facebook group for that!  “Snyder - Class of 2035” “Heirloom Chrysanthemum Growers” “POBINDS / CSNK2B Parent Support Group” “Mornings with Em Photography VIP Group” These are just a few of...
As a mom of a toddler, I often find completely random things in my hair. Food, amoxicillin, milk, and the occasional booger have made their way into what was once an untampered head of hair. It's gross, but sometimes it's part of...
One of the most common New Years resolutions Houston moms make is finding ways to save their families money. And the most obvious way to do this is to cut out unnecessary extras like those too-frequent trips to Starbucks...



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