Diaper Bag Essentials


I am an overpacker, and I thrive on feeling prepared. When it comes to kids, I especially want to be prepared because you never know what could happen – and I like to keep the crying and fussing to a minimum if at all possible. I have been carrying a diaper bag around for the last 3 years. It is large and in charge. Any bigger and it probably wouldn’t even qualify as a carry-on item. But I love it. It has everything I need and then some. I’ll share with you what is in my diaper bag…and then you can share what is in your’s.


First up are diapering supplies, obviously. Diapers, wipes, changing pad, plastic bag, and diaper cream. With my first child I did cloth diapers and dang those took up a lot of room. With my second, I was like – ain’t nobody got time for that, so now I have extra space with my streamline disposables. {The real reason has to do with leakage, but that is probably another post for another time.} Anyway, having a spare plastic bag is good in case of a blowout situation to safely contain the dirty outfit.

Sustenance is the 2nd most important thing. Snacks and sippy cups all around. I guess I got in a habit from my breastfeeding days when I was always starving, but I never leave the house without water and a snack for myself as well. My snack of choice is usually a Larabar, and same for my 3 year old. Read the ingredients, they are awesome. I also carry a baby food pouch or 2 for little sis. If I am bottle feeding, then I have a bottle and formula, and if I am nursing I have a nursing cover and extra set of nursing pads. And I should probably add hand sanitizer to this section since we always use it prior to snacks too.

Next up are my “just in case” items. These include a paci, an extra outfit for baby, undies for big sis, a Tide pen, a disposable placemat from Chick-fil-A {didn’t use it at CFA and it has been in my bag ever since}, a baby toy/teether {I don’t carry this anymore since I don’t have an infant} and a small pack of crayons. If I am super prepared, I have a piece of paper tucked in the side too; otherwise, I dig up a receipt to color on. These come in handy at restaurants and doctors’ offices.

Lastly, I have all my standard purse items. Wallet, phone, coupon file, calendar, keys, and make up.

I should mention that I keep several items in my car that some people may also throw in their bag. An Aden & Anais blanket, a few toys, sunglasses {my 3 year old cannot leave the house without them}, and hand wipes. Sometimes I take the spare outfit out of my diaper bag and leave it in the car. You know, to give my shoulder a break by knocking off a few ounces.

Now you tell me, what do you have in your bag that you never leave without?



  1. I always make sure that we are armed with Squeezies {the food pouches} and goldfish before we leave the house! Along with a few of the things you mentioned we never leave the house without them. Also a few pocket books – they are great for the car and stroller!


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